Say Bye-Bye to That Belly Fat

Want to make your belly fat vanish before your eyes?

Uncomfortable fat around the stomach is one of the most common body frustrations clients complain about.

What’s tough is that losing body fat is a slow and steady process, rather than an instantaneous fix.

However, there is an extremely effective method for losing belly fat faster than ever…

Simple 2-Step Fat Loss. This deadly, fat-incinerating method fights fat simultaneously on two separate fronts for maximum effectiveness: your sugar intake and your high intensity workouts.

Fat Loss Step 1: This is the step that requires zero extra effort on your part! In fact all you have to do is NOT do something that you’re currently doing! You stop consuming refined sugar, in all its forms. This means no sodas, no desserts, no packaged snacks, no candy, no mocha lattes, NO SUGAR AT ALL!

When you stop to evaluate your diet, it may be shocking to find out how much refined sugar has crept in. Nothing will contribute to fat gains as swiftly as consuming sugar, so it makes sense that cutting sugar out is the top must-do for shedding those unwanted pounds.

It’s not necessary, or beneficial, to starve yourself during this time of rapid fat loss – you should fill in your diet with lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds as you cut out the refined sugar. Keep your metabolism high by fueling up on high protein, high fiber, low carb, and zero sugar foods whenever hunger strikes.

Fat Loss Step 2: Here’s the step that requires some effort, but trust me when I say it’s worth it. You crank up the intensity of your workouts to a whole new level.

Most people take exercise on with the slow and steady mentality – moving, pushing and pulling as little as possible while still “getting the job done”. I’ve got some news for you…if you still have belly fat to lose then the job wasn’t getting done.

If you can comfortably hold a conversation, hardly break a sweat or feel the same when it’s over as you did when it began, then you’re simply not pushing yourself hard enough while you exercise.

Increasing the intensity of your workouts requires focused intent. You must go into the session with the goal of pushing your body to the limit. Remember, it’s a contained timeframe that will be over shortly, so bear down and deal with the discomfort. With practice you will learn to embrace the burn.

So cut the sugar, crank up that workout intensity, and say good bye to that belly!

Keep on keep\’n on!

Increase Protein for Accelerated Fat Burn

Want even more fat loss? Studies continue to prove that diets with high in protein encourage more fat loss than diets high in carbohydrates. Each of your snacks and meals should be built around a centerpiece of high quality, lean protein.

  Fitness Chicken Lettuce Boats


I love recipes like this, where the flavor and enjoyment outshine the health benefit. One bite of these Fitness Chicken Lettuce Boats and you’ll see what I mean – the crunch, the collision of flavors and the creamy enjoyment will push all thoughts of calories and fat grams out of your mind…but rest assure that this recipe is highly healthy and will keep you on track towards your fat loss goal. Enjoy!

Courtesy of

What you need
Servings: 6

2 small apples, cored and chopped
1 Tablespoon orange juice
3 cups roasted chicken, chopped
¼ cup toasted walnuts, chopped
¼ cup black raisins
1 (4oz) can mild diced green chiles
½ cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt
¼ cup light, balsamic dressing
sea salt and black pepper to taste
1 head butter lettuce
red grapes – optional for serving


1. In a large bowl combine the chopped apples and orange juice. Mix to combine.

2. Add the remaining ingredients (save for the lettuce and grapes) and mix well. Chill, covered, for 15 minutes or until ready to serve. Use an ice cream scoop to place the chicken salad on each lettuce leaf. Garnish the plate with red grapes and Enjoy!

One serving equals: 224 calories, 8g fat, 140mg sodium, 15g carbohydrate, 2g fiber, and 23g protein

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